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ASCO Meeting Publications ASCO Direct ASCO Seminars ASCO Meeting Library ASCO eLearning ASCO -SEP ASCO Journals Content Licensing Solutions • 15 ASCOANSWERS isacollectionofoncologist-approvedpatienteducationmaterialsdevelopedby the AmericanSocietyofClinicalOncology (ASCO) forpeoplewithcancerand theircaregivers. Appetite Loss „ „ What isappetite loss? Lossofappetite isacommon symptomofcancerand sideeffectofcancer treatment.Peoplewithpoor appetiteorappetite lossmayeat less thanusual,have no feelingsofhunger,or feel fullaftereatingonly a smallamount.Ongoingappetite lossmay lead to weight loss,malnutrition,and fatigueandweakness frommuscle loss. „ „ Whatcausesappetite loss? Many typesofcancer, includingovarian,pancreatic, and stomachcancer,maycausea lossofappetite because theyaffectaperson’smetabolism.Other typesofcancermayenlarge the spleenor liver so it pusheson the stomach,creatinga feelingof fullness. Ascites,abuildupof fluid in theabdomen,mayalso createa feelingof fullness. Inaddition,poorappetite may result from specificmedicationsor treatments, suchaschemotherapy, radiation therapy,or surgery toanypartof thegastrointestinal tract, suchas the stomachor intestines.Other sideeffects ofcancer treatment, suchasnauseaandvomiting,difficulty swallowing, tastechanges,anddepression,maycauseappetite loss. „ „ How isappetite lossdiagnosed? There isno test thatcandiagnosepoorappetite.Letyourdoctorknow ifyouexperienceappetite loss.Yourdoctorwill likelydoaphysical examination tocheck foranythingunusualandaskyouquestionsabout the severityofyourappetite loss,how longyouhavebeenexperiencing appetite loss,howmuchweightyouhave lost,andanyother symptomsyouareexperiencing.Thedoctormayalso recommend tests tocheck for healthconditions thatcouldcausepoorappetite. „ „ How isappetite loss treated? Ifpossible, the first step in treatingappetite loss is toaddress theunderlyingcause.Treatment forconditions suchasmouth sores,drymouth, pain,ordepression shouldhelp improveappetite.Additional treatments forappetite lossandassociatedweight lossmay includemedications that increaseappetite,medications thathelp foodmove through the intestines,nutritional supplementdrinks,and tube feeding.Dietary supplements, suchasmultivitamins,mayalsobeappropriate forpeoplewithcancerwhoarenotable togetallof theirnutrients through food.Becausehigh dosesof specificnutrient supplementscanbeharmful, it is important to talkwithyourdoctor ifyouplan to take individual supplements. Askyourhealthcare team for tips tohelpyouget thecaloriesandnutrientsyourbodyneedsandmaintainahealthyweight,evenwhenyour appetite ispoor.Theymayaskyou tokeepa fooddiary fora fewdays tohelp themcreate thebestplan foryou.Yourhealthcare teammayalso recommend thatyoumeetwitha registereddietitian fordietarycounseling tohelpyouaccomplish thesegoals. ASCO’s patient website, Cancer.Net ™ , was designed over a decade ago to provide patients, their families, and friends with timely, oncologist- vetted information. Cancer.Net continues to lead the way in content, design, and interactively. It’s original – and standing – the goal is to provide oncologists with a reliable, trustworthy website that they can recommend to their patients. ASCO Answers ™ Guides to Cancer These comprehensive oncologist-approved guides contain trusted information about the diagnosis, treatment, side effects, and psychosocial effects, and allow patients to record the specifics of their diagnosis and treatment plan. Available Guides include Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Small Cell Lung Cancer. ASCO Answers ™ Fact Sheets Oncologist-approved cancer fact sheets are easy for the patient to understand and are available in a wide range of topics that cover specific cancer types, treatments, side effects, and childhood cancers. Fact sheet contents include information about treatments, identification of potential side effects, questions to ask the cancer care team, and key terminology. ASCO Answers ™ Booklets These topic-specific booklets provide patients and caregivers with practical tips to help address common concerns regardless of cancer types. Available booklets include: Advanced Cancer Care Planning, Managing Your Weight After a Cancer Diagnosis, Managing the Cost of Cancer Care, Palliative Care, Managing Cancer-Related Pain, and Stopping Tobacco Use After a Cancer Diagnosis. LICENSING OPPORTUNITIES Sponsored Reprints Patient Guides, Fact Sheets, and Booklets are available with the inclusion of a corporate logo or a full-page advertisement. Custom Adaptations Patient Guides, Facts Sheets, and Booklets can be adapted for the local market with ASCO’s approval and can also be licensed, along with medical images, for inclusion in custom programs. Translations and Adaptions Create custom selections or combine chapter extracts with other ASCO content in English or the local language.